TYPE: Regular Board Meeting
DATE: 5/22/2024       TIME: 6:00 PM
LOCATION: Providence Career & Technical Academy, 41 Fricker Street, Providence
DETAILS: Auditorium
Providence School Board
1.0 Convene Meeting
1.1 Call to Order Info
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance Info
1.3 Roll Call Info
1.4 Superintendent's Comments Info
2.0 Approve Agenda
2.1 Approval of the Agenda Action
3.0 Consent Agenda Action
3.1 Approval of Minutes - 4-24-24 Action
3.2 Review of Homeschool Candidates Action
4.0 Public Comments
4.1 Public Comment - Right to Be Heard Info
5.0 School Board Member Comments
5.1 School Board Comments Info
6.0 Action Items
6.1 Approval of Funds from the Bradford Hinkling Trust Action
6.2 Providence Promise Action
6.3 Funding Middle School Sports Resolution Action
6.4 Quality Lunch for All Students in Providence Public Schools Resolution Action
6.5 Open Session Pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws §§42-46-4 and 42-46-5(a)(1) Personnel – Teacher Non-Renewal Action
7.0 School Board Committee Updates
7.1 Policy Committee Info
7.2 Finance Committee Info
7.3 Health & Wellness Committee Info
7.4 Career & Technical Education Update Info
7.5 School Building Committee Update Info
8.0 Policy and Planning
8.1 School Closing Policy - 2nd Read & Adoption Info/Action
8.2 Graduation Policy Draft - 2nd Read & Adoption Info/Action
8.3 Suicide Prevention, Response and Recovery - 2nd Read & Adoption Info/Action
9.0 Report on Contracts
9.1 Amergis formerly MAXIM Action
9.2 Effectiff Action
9.3 Project Lead the Way Action
9.4 Thru Consulting Action
9.5 City Year Action
9.6 Education Logistics, Inc. (Edulog) Action
9.7 Generation Teach Action
10.0 Presentations
10.1 FY25 Budget Presentation Ordinance Info
11.0 Executive Session
11.1 Executive Session Pursuant to RIGL 42-46-4 and 42-46-5(a)(1) Personnel – Probationary Teacher Non-Renewals Action
11.2 Executive Session Pursuant to RIGL 42-46-4 and 42-46-5(a)(1) Personnel – Teacher Layoff Action
11.3 Executive Session pursuant to Rhode Island General Law §42-46-5 (a)(2)—Litigation Action
12.0 Report on Executive Session Votes
12.1 Report on Executive Session Votes Info
13.0 Adjourn
13.1 Adjourn Meeting Action